URGENT: Port-au-Prince refugees in dire need of water and sanitation!

People fleeing violence in Port-au-Prince urgently need water and sanitation

As an emergency medical organisation, how did MSF help when the health situation became critical? MSF stepped in to fill gaps in water and sanitation services. Others did not respond. What are the current challenges related to water, sanitation, and hygiene at the sites? There are significant water, sanitation, and hygiene problems. Sanitation remains a … Read more

Urgent Call for Clean Water and Sanitation for Violence-Stricken Refugees in Port-au-Prince

People fleeing violence in Port-au-Prince urgently need water and sanitation

Responding to Critical Health Needs in Displaced Communities What Challenges Were Addressed? MSF filled gaps in water and sanitation services. Access to existing sites has improved. Sanitation issues remain a major challenge. Waste management is a persistent problem. What Services are Needed? “We call for more humanitarian aid to address the dire needs of displaced … Read more