Russia’s Release of Activists: Turning Point for Human Rights

Reacting to the Release of Imprisoned Activists in Russia Why is this release significant? 16 individuals, including human rights defenders, activists, and journalists, have been released from Russian prisons. Amnesty International’s Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Marie Struthers, expresses relief and joy at their release. What is the message from Amnesty International? Marie … Read more

Potential War Crimes Uncovered: Probe into Use of Anti-Personnel Mines in Ukraine/Russia Conflict

Ukraine/Russia: Investigating the Use of Anti-Personnel Mines What is the current situation regarding anti-personnel mines in Ukraine? In 2022, Ukraine saw 608 landmine casualties, making it second only to Syria. The utilization of anti-personnel mines poses a severe threat to civilians. Most casualties result from anti-personnel mines, prohibited by international humanitarian law. What does Amnesty … Read more

Sudan’s Deadly Conflict: New Study Reveals Endless Civilian Pain Due to Unending Weapons Supply

Sudan: Constant flow of arms fuelling relentless civilian suffering in conflict – new investigation

What foreign weapons are fueling conflict in Sudan? Weapons from China, Russia, Serbia, Türkiye, UAE, and Yemen Why is the existing arms embargo on Darfur ineffective? The conflict in Sudan is being fueled by a constant flow of weapons into the country. What has Amnesty International found regarding weapons in Sudan? Newly manufactured foreign weapons … Read more

Human rights victories shine bright in six-month span

Vanessa Mendoza Cortes stands with her hands on her hips in front of a camera.

January How has Norway improved prison conditions for those with mental health problems? Isolation reduction and more resources allocated Why were Russian rock band Bi-2 members detained in Thailand? Concerns over persecution in Russia for anti-war stance What led to the withdrawal of a bill in Belgium undermining the right to protest? Pressure from trade … Read more

Russian missile strike wreaks havoc on children’s hospital in Ukraine, causing numerous casualties nationwide

Humanitarian Crisis: Russia Strikes Innocent Civilians in Ukraine Are Russian Missile Strikes Targeting Civilians in Ukraine? Amnesty International condemns the recent Russian missile strikes in Ukraine, resulting in the death of dozens of civilians. The destruction of hospitals and residential buildings is a blatant violation of human rights. What Evidence Supports the Claims? Evidence suggests … Read more

Desperate Families Seek Help at ICRC in Geneva Amid Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Humanitarian Journalist Reporting: What brings families to ICRC headquarters in Geneva? Families seeking information about their loved ones missing or captured in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. What does the ICRC do for these families? Provides support and assistance to the families during this difficult time. What is the significance of this visit? Highlights the ongoing impact … Read more

Activist jailed in Russia for sharing “extremist” logo on Facebook – Demand for release!

Why was a human rights defender arrested in Russia? Reacting to the arbitrary arrest of a prominent Russian human rights defender, Aleksei Sokolov, in Yekaterinburg, the Urals, for displaying the Facebook logo online which is regarded as an “extremist symbol” in Russia, Natalia Zviagina, Amnesty International’s Russia Director, stated that… He was charged for displaying … Read more

Breaking News: ICRC solidifies partnership with Romania’s government

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has been actively providing relief in Romania since the outbreak of the international armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine in early 2022. What is the ICRC doing in Romania? Delivering crucial humanitarian aid to those affected by the conflict Providing medical support and supplies to hospitals and … Read more