South Korea champions humanitarian values during global crises

The Republic of Korea: Prioritizing Humanitarian Principles in a Globalized World What are the key humanitarian principles being upheld by the Republic of Korea? Neutrality Impartiality Independence How does the Republic of Korea maintain these principles? Providing aid based on needs alone Avoiding political or religious biases Ensuring autonomy in decision-making What challenges do humanitarian … Read more

South Korea’s Commitment to Humanitarian Law in Conflict Zones

The Republic of Korea: Preserving humanity in war by upholding the Geneva Conventions How is the Republic of Korea upholding the Geneva Conventions? The Republic of Korea showcases commitment to humanitarian laws in times of conflict. They ensure humane treatment of prisoners, wounded, and civilians. Korean forces engage in training and education on the principles … Read more

Unveiling the Rising Dangers of Cyber Operations on People’s Safety and Happiness

What is the International Committee of the Red Cross saying about cyber operations? Minister Cho Tae-yul and Excellencies, the International Committee of the Red Cross expresses shared concerns with the Republic of Korea regarding the human cost of cyber operations in armed conflict. How does the ICRC aim to help those impacted by cyber operations? … Read more