Breaking News Update: Ethiopia Humanitarian Situation Report, Jan-Jun 2024

Achieving Peace through Dialogue with Armed Actors How Can We Protect People in Conflict? Engaging in dialogue with armed actors Seeking peaceful resolutions Ensuring safety for affected individuals Why is Dialogue Important? Preventing further violence Promoting understanding and empathy Fostering lasting peace Key Takeaways Engaging in dialogue with armed actors is crucial for protecting individuals … Read more

BREAKING: Bangladesh Commits to Ending Enforced Disappearances with UN Convention Signing

Response to the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearances Why is the signing of the Convention important? The signing marks a significant step towards truth and justice for victims in Bangladesh. Enforced disappearances are regarded as severe human rights violations. What are the next steps for the interim government? Ratify … Read more

ICRC Urges African Union to Boost Education Safety in Conflict-Hit Africa

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has urged the African Union to enhance the safeguarding of education in Africa amid ongoing conflicts. Why is protecting education crucial in conflict-affected regions? Education is a fundamental right for children everywhere. Conflict disrupts access to education, impacting the future of affected youth. What steps can be … Read more

Urgent Call for De-Escalation and Civilians’ Protection in the Middle East

What is the current situation in the Middle East? The Middle East is facing a critical need for de-escalation and protection of civilians amidst escalating tensions and conflicts. Why is de-escalation necessary? De-escalation is essential to prevent further violence and ensure the safety and security of innocent civilians caught in the crossfire. How can civilians … Read more

Uncovering the Impact of Occupation on Humanitarian Law

Discovering the Definition of Occupation: Insights from the ICRC’s Legal Team What exactly constitutes occupation? Occupation is defined as the control of a territory by a foreign power. It involves the effective exercise of authority by an occupying state. Which laws come into play during an occupation? The Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol I are … Read more

Uncovering the Unseen: The Struggle and Preservation of C Documents Throughout History – 2298 Metres of Secrets Revealed!

Tracing and Protection: a Historical Journey What is the significance of this historical journey? The project involves tracing and protecting valuable historical documents. It spans from 1870 to the present day, covering a wide timeframe. Over 2298 meters of shelf space are dedicated to preserving these documents. How does this project impact the preservation of … Read more