Massive Aid Delivery: 8,000 Families Supported with Food Packages!

Southern Lebanon Receives Relief: 8,000 Families Benefit from Food Parcels What does this mean for the community? Food parcels distributed to 8,000 families in Southern Lebanon Providing essential aid to those in need Alleviating hunger and food insecurity How was this humanitarian effort executed? Collaboration between humanitarian organizations Efficient distribution and logistics Impactful support for … Read more

Exclusive: Uncovering Lebanon’s Military Court – A No-Go Zone for Civilians!

Seeking Justice in Lebanon’s Military Court: A Glimpse into a Landmark Trial Sahar Mandour, Amnesty International’s Researcher on Lebanon, has been closely following a significant torture trial at the country’s Military Court. The trial revolves around the tragic death of Syrian refugee Bashar Abed Saud in state custody, with allegations of torture by members of … Read more

Syrian Refugee Crisis: Heartbreaking Decisions in Lebanon

Syrian refugees face unbearable choices in Lebanon

Since 2010, MSF has been providing free medical services in the Baalbek-Hermel governorate, northeast of Lebanon, including paediatrics, sexual and reproductive healthcare, treatment for non-communicable diseases, vaccinations, and mental health support for refugees and locals. Why are missed medical appointments rising? Due to fear of crossing army checkpoints Economic crisis and intolerance towards Syrian refugees … Read more