Outrage in Italy over new detention centers in Albania

Director of Amnesty International’s European Institutions Office criticizes the opening of new detention centres in Albania Why is Amnesty International against the new detention centres in Albania? The plan is harmful and unlawful Will subject people in distress to long and unnecessary journeys May curtail the right to seek asylum and have claims assessed fairly … Read more

Breaking: EU’s commitment to asylum rights in Europe must be protected!

Why is upholding the right to asylum crucial in Europe? Refugees must have access to protection. States must guarantee the right to seek and enjoy asylum. The international refugee protection system must be respected. What are the concerning developments regarding asylum processing? The EU and its Member States are outsourcing asylum processing. This risks undermining … Read more

Inhumane Treatment of Migrants in Italy’s Detention Centers Strips Away Their Humanity

Issues with Migration-Related Detention in Italy Are Asylum Seekers and Migrants Unlawfully Detained in Italy? Detention centres in Italy do not meet international standards. Many detained individuals do not belong in these facilities. Certain groups like LGBTQ asylum seekers are unfairly detained. What Concerns Does Amnesty International Have? Italy is expanding the use of detention … Read more