Desperate Search: Mexican Women on a Mission to Find Missing Family Members

Karla is holding an image of her brother, who was forcibly disappeared.

The Unseen Struggle: Mexican Women Searching for Their Missing Loved Ones How many people have disappeared in Mexico? Over 116,000 individuals remain unaccounted for in Mexico alone Who are the “Hasta Encontrarte” collective? Comprised of 200 families in Mexico dedicated to searching for their disappeared loved ones Established in Guanajauato in 2021, with 99% of … Read more

Urgent: States in Americas must ensure women’s right to search for missing loved ones fearlessly

Americas: States must guarantee women’s right to search for missing and forcibly disappeared people without fear

Most searches for the forcibly disappeared are led by women (women searchers), who face risks, attacks, and harm to their health and finances. Role of Women Searchers Women searchers compensate for states’ neglect in searching for disappeared individuals. Amnesty International urges states to take diligent action to counter human rights violations against women searchers. International … Read more