Rising Temperatures Worsen Flooding, Forcing More People from Homes

Climate crisis fuels flooding and deepens displacement In recent weeks, torrential rains in Afghanistan, Brazil, and East Africa have inundated towns and villages, destroyed homes and livelihoods, and brought increasing hardship for the most vulnerable populations. Refugees and displaced people have seen their shelters swept away, while host communities have lost their homes and been … Read more

Breaking News: Discover the Best Ways to Help Syrian Refugees Find a Home

Factsheet: Global responsibility sharing through pathways for admission of Syrian refugees What are the key outcomes from the High-Level Meeting? Over 4.8 million Syrians forced across borders 6.5 million internally displaced Hosting countries under pressure Refugees moving to Europe in desperation What was discussed at the meeting? In the meeting, mechanisms for admitting Syrian refugees … Read more

Breaking News: Sweden and UNHCR Shed Light on South Sudan Crisis Following Year of Sudan Conflict

JUBA – UNHCR’s Deputy High Commissioner, Kelly T. Clements, and Sweden’s State Secretary for International Development Cooperation, Diana Janse, have recently visited South Sudan to assess the impact of the ongoing crisis following a year of conflict in Sudan. What did the officials observe during their visit? Visited Renk, where displaced South Sudanese and Sudanese … Read more

Breaking News: Education Above All Foundation & UNHCR join forces to educate refugee children out of school

UNHCR and Education Above All Foundation Join Forces to Educate Out-of-School Refugee Children UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and Education Above All (EAA) Foundation have recently signed a new five-year partnership agreement to tackle the global issue of out-of-school children, including refugees, internally displaced individuals, and host community children. What Does the New Agreement Focus … Read more