Lithuania’s Shocking Move Puts Civilians in Danger: Withdrawal from Cluster Munitions Convention Threatens Lives

Reacting to the Lithuanian parliament’s decision to withdraw from the Convention on Cluster Munitions, Dinushika Dissanayake, Amnesty International’s Deputy Regional Director of Research in Europe, emphasized the repercussions of this move. Why is Lithuania withdrawing from the Convention on Cluster Munitions seen as disastrous? The decision abandons the global consensus aimed at minimizing civilian harm … Read more

Controversial Finnish Migration Law Faces Scrutiny for EU Compliance

Reacting to the Emergency Law on Migration in Finland Amnesty International’s Concerns Amnesty International’s Deputy Regional Director for Europe, Dinushika Dissanayake expressed grave concerns over Finland’s approval of an emergency law on the “instrumentalization” of migration. The law is seen as a threat to asylum access and protection from refoulement in the country, raising fears … Read more

Inhumane Treatment of Migrants in Italy’s Detention Centers Strips Away Their Humanity

Issues with Migration-Related Detention in Italy Are Asylum Seekers and Migrants Unlawfully Detained in Italy? Detention centres in Italy do not meet international standards. Many detained individuals do not belong in these facilities. Certain groups like LGBTQ asylum seekers are unfairly detained. What Concerns Does Amnesty International Have? Italy is expanding the use of detention … Read more