Impunity Reigns in Iran 2 Years After ‘Woman Life Freedom’ Uprising

Challenges in Iran after ‘Woman Life Freedom’ Uprising Two years after the ‘Woman Life Freedom’ uprising in Iran, the repercussions of the authorities’ brutal response continue to be felt. Brutal Crackdown and Impunity No impartial investigations into human rights violations during protests Security forces used excessive force resulting in numerous deaths and injuries Authorities targeting … Read more

Breaking News: Iranian Man Executed in Connection to Women’s Rights Uprising

Shocking Secret Execution in Iran What Happened? Reza Rasaei, a 34-year-old member of oppressed Kurdish and Yaresan ethnic and religious minorities, was arbitrarily executed in connection to the “Woman Life Freedom” uprising. He was subjected to torture, ill-treatment, including sexual violence, and sentenced to death after a sham trial. The Iranian authorities carried out the … Read more