Hope Restored: ICRC’s life-saving aid for South Sudan refugees

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is making a significant impact in South Sudan, providing life-saving aid to thousands of refugees and returnees who have been displaced by conflict. How is ICRC bringing hope to South Sudan? Providing essential food and water to those in need Offering medical assistance to the injured and … Read more

Sudan health crisis worsens amid conflict destruction

What is happening in Sudan? Sudan is currently facing a severe health crisis due to the devastation of its medical infrastructure caused by ongoing conflicts. What are the consequences of the health crisis? The lack of access to medical care is putting the lives of many Sudanese people at risk. Hospitals and healthcare facilities have … Read more

Global collaboration essential to uphold and reinforce international humanitarian law in times of crisis

In times of insecurity and conflict, states must work together to uphold and strengthen international humanitarian law. Why is international humanitarian law crucial in times of insecurity and conflict? Protects civilians and aid workers Regulates the conduct of armed conflict Ensures access to humanitarian assistance How can states strengthen international humanitarian law? Compliance with legal … Read more

Join the Global Effort: Strengthening International Humanitarian Law in Times of Conflict

In times of insecurity and conflict, how can states collaborate to uphold and strengthen international humanitarian law? Collaborative Efforts in Upholding International Humanitarian Law Amidst insecurity and conflict, cooperation between states plays a crucial role in maintaining and reinforcing international humanitarian law. But how exactly do states work together to achieve this goal? Joint strategic … Read more

Humanitarian Aid Arrives in South Sudan for Fleeing Conflict Victims

Discover the Impact of Sudan Conflict on Refugee Crisis What is Happening? Since April 2023, over 650,000 individuals have been displaced due to the conflict in Sudan Tens of thousands have sought refuge in Boro Medina, located in Western Bahr-el-Ghazal State How Many People Are Affected? More than 650,000 individuals have been forced to flee … Read more

2023 Syria Crisis: Shocking Facts Revealed!

What is the current situation in Syria? Millions of people in Syria are still suffering from the consequences of a conflict that has lasted over a decade. The conflict in Syria has been exacerbated by multiple crises. What are the implications of this ongoing conflict? The ongoing conflict in Syria has had wide-reaching implications. Millions … Read more

Empowering Syrian Women to Overcome Adversity and Thrive

How has the lives of Syrian women been affected by thirteen years of conflict? Throughout the past thirteen years of conflict, Syrian women have faced immense challenges, including: Hardship Displacement Loss Pain These factors have significantly impacted the lives of Syrian women, highlighting the need for support and assistance during these difficult times. Summary: The … Read more

UN Resolution 2730: A Critical Call to Protect Humanitarian Workers

The importance of upholding international humanitarian law Why is upholding international humanitarian law important? It is a duty for parties to a conflict A collective responsibility of all states What must states ensure? Respect for international humanitarian law as a whole As the civilian population is paying an increasi Summary: Upholding international humanitarian law is … Read more

South Sudan Member of ICMC Spring into Action to Help Victims of Sudan Conflict

How is ICMC Responding to the Displacement Crisis in South Sudan? The International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) member in South Sudan is taking action to address the displacement crisis caused by conflict in Sudan. Here’s how they are making a difference: Providing aid to displaced individuals Offering support and resources for those affected by conflict … Read more