Exploring the Historical Timeline of International Humanitarian Law and China

Why is International Humanitarian Law Important? International Humanitarian Law is crucial for promoting respect for the dignity of individuals affected by armed conflicts. It regulates the conduct of armed hostilities and seeks to mitigate the suffering of civilians and combatants. China’s Involvement in International Humanitarian Law In recent years, China has shown keen interest in … Read more

Historic Event in China: National Inter-University Competition on Humanitarian Law Takes Place in Beijing!

What is the latest news from China? A historic event took place in Beijing recently, marking the first-ever national inter-university moot court competition on International Humanitarian Law (IHL). It was a groundbreaking competition. The event showcased the importance of IHL. Students from various universities participated. Why is this event significant? The competition provided a platform … Read more

Breaking News: China Hosts Regional Symposium Marking 30th Anniversary of Key Humanitarian Protocols

What was the recent event in China? Recently, a Regional Symposium commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Adoption of the 1977 Protocols Additional to the 1949 Geneva Conventions took place in Beijing, China. Which key topic was discussed at the symposium? During the event, participants discussed the importance of upholding international humanitarian law and protecting … Read more

China Hosts Talks on Promoting Peace Through International Humanitarian Law

On May 25, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Jilin University held a seminar in Changchun, Jilin Province, China. What was the seminar about? The seminar focused on “75 Years of the Four 1949 Geneva Conventions: International Humanitarian Law and Peace”. Who organized the event? The ICRC and Jilin University jointly organized … Read more

Global Illumination: Tracing the Path of a Solar Lamp from China

Learn about the Heartwarming Journey of a Solar Lamp Around the World How did the journey of the solar lamp begin? A captivating journey with a solar lamp personified as a boy Birth in China Where did the solar lamp travel? Across the globe Destination in communities worldwide What impact did the solar lamp have? … Read more

Breaking News: ICRC Director General’s Visit Shows Increased Collaboration with China

The Director General of the International Committee of the Red Cross Visits China What was the purpose of the visit? The Director General of the ICRC, Pierre Krähenbühl, visited China. The visit took place over a 3-day period. What were the key highlights of the visit? Pierre Krähenbühl concluded his visit on May 9, 2024. … Read more