UNHCR Archive Unveils Solutions for Forced Displacement Crisis

Investigating UNHCR’s Archive In a sub-basement beneath UNHCR’s headquarters in Geneva, a vast warren of rolling stack shelves contains the physical archives of the UN Refugee Agency’s more than 70 years of operation What Insights Do These Archives Offer? Reveal human stories of forced displacement Provide a living resource and inspiration Significance of Archival Material … Read more

Breaking: UNHCR alarmed by US asylum policy changes

UNHCR expresses concern over new asylum restrictions in the United States UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has flagged concerns over the stringent asylum regulations recently announced by the United States. What are the implications of these new measures? The new rules may prevent many individuals in need of refuge from accessing international protection. Those affected … Read more

Breaking News: Key Updates from High Commissioner on Brussels Syria Conference

High Commissioner’s statement at the Brussels Syria Conference Charles Eric Dunmore Mon, 05/27/2024 – 19:33 Why is Syria Important? All eyes have been on Gaza, but Syria also needs attention Conflict resolution vital to avoid humanitarian crises How can we solve the Syrian refugee crisis? UNHCR’s Standpoint UNHCR insists on international protection standards for Syrian … Read more