Europe’s Peaceful Protests Threatened by Systematic Attacks and Restrictions

Peaceful Assembly Under Attack Across Europe: Amnesty Report Why are Peaceful Protesters Facing Increased Repression? Repressive laws, excessive force, arbitrary arrests Unjustified restrictions and invasive surveillance What Does Amnesty International’s Secretary General Say? Agnès Callamard emphasized the terrifying continent-wide onslaught against peaceful protests in Europe. What is Happening with Policing, Impunity, and Surveillance? Widespread use … Read more

Europe Faces Wave of Attacks on Peaceful Protests – Find Out More Now!

Europe: Sweeping pattern of systematic attacks and restrictions undermine peaceful protest Amnesty International unveils the alarming state of the right to protest across Europe. Under-protected and over-restricted: Review of 21 European countries shows the systematic decline of the right to protest. Policing, impunity, and surveillance: Excessive force used by police against peaceful protesters with cases … Read more