Ensuring Compliance with the Arms Trade Treaty to Uphold Humanitarian and Human Rights Laws

ICRC President Mirjana Spoljaric Speaks at Arms Trade Treaty Conference on World Humanitarian Day What was the occasion? ICRC President Mirjana Spoljaric addressed the Tenth Conference of State Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty The event took place on World Humanitarian Day What did Mirjana Spoljaric highlight? Importance of preventing human suffering caused by irresponsible … Read more

Deadly Consequences: Governments Ignoring Arms Trade Treaty Guidelines, Causing Mass Casualties

Arms Trade Treaty: Impact Over 10 Years Are Governments Violating the Treaty? Amnesty International exposes unlawful arms transfers perpetuating grave abuses in conflict zones. World’s top arms exporters breaching Arms Trade Treaty, resulting in loss of life. 155 states adopted the Treaty in 2013, aiming to govern global arms trade. US largest arms provider to … Read more