Outrage in Italy over new detention centers in Albania

Director of Amnesty International’s European Institutions Office criticizes the opening of new detention centres in Albania Why is Amnesty International against the new detention centres in Albania? The plan is harmful and unlawful Will subject people in distress to long and unnecessary journeys May curtail the right to seek asylum and have claims assessed fairly … Read more

Love saved me from blindness and death!

“I was blinded in one eye… but what saved my life was love”

Leidy Cadena: A Story of Resilience How Did Leidy Cadena’s Life Change Forever? Leidy Cadena, a Colombian student, lost an eye in a police attack. Leidy became the face of the National Strike in Colombia. Threats forced her to leave her country. What Led Leidy Cadena to Protest? Leidy protested against bullfighting in Bogotá, leading … Read more

Cease the Repetitive Violent Suppression of Baloch Protests Now!

Responding to the deaths of at least three Baloch protesters and mass arrests of participants of the ‘Baloch Raji Machi’ protests in Balochistan, Pakistan, Babu Ram Pant, Deputy Regional Director for South Asia at Amnesty International, expressed deep concern over the situation. Why are Baloch protesters facing violent crackdowns? Every time Baloch protests occur, security … Read more

Urgent Crisis in Egypt: Millions at Risk of Losing Healthcare Access

Privatization of Healthcare in Egypt: Implications for Vulnerable Communities What is the Impact of the New Law on Healthcare Access? A new law privatizing healthcare in Egypt raises concerns about accessibility. The law allows the private sector to operate public health facilities for profit. No price regulations in place, potentially leading to higher healthcare costs. … Read more

Stop Human Rights Violations in Greece: Samos Detention Should not Set the Standard for EU Migration Policy

Why is Amnesty International Urging Greece to Repeal Legal Rules? Amnesty International is calling on Greece to urgently repeal legal rules causing asylum seekers on Samos to be unlawfully detained. What Revelations Does the Report Make about the Samos Refugee Centre? Reveals use of arbitrary detention orders Greece serving as a testing ground for EU … Read more

Inhumane conditions at Samos camp for asylum seekers in Greece

Samos Closed Controlled Access Centre for refugees and migrants

EU-Funded Refugee Camp on Samos Raises Concerns In a remote area on the Greek island of Samos lies the “Closed Controlled Access Centre,” an EU-funded refugee camp hosting people seeking asylum in Greece mainly from the Middle East and Africa. Since 2020, the European Commission has supported Greece in setting up these centers to replace … Read more

Stop the Crackdown: Calls to halt mass arrests and arbitrary detention of protesters in Bangladesh

Responding to Mass Arrests in Bangladesh: A Violation of Human Rights Amnesty International’s Regional Director for South Asia, Smriti Singh, has condemned the recent mass arrests and arbitrary detention of student leaders and protest participants in Bangladesh. The arrests, totaling over 9000 over the weekend, are seen as a government-led effort to suppress dissent and … Read more

Discover the shocking events at the quota-reform protests in Bangladesh!

Screen grab from Jamuna TV footage showing Abu Sayeed, a Bangladeshi student activist killed by Bangladesh Police on 16 July 2024.

What happened at the quota-reform protests in Bangladesh? What happened to Abu Sayed? Abu Sayed, a student of English at Rangpur’s Begum Rokeya University, was killed during a student protest when police shot at him with live ammunition. He was shot directly in the chest multiple times by the police. He posed no physical threat … Read more

Amnesty International Chief Condemns Tunisia’s Human Rights Regression After Visit

Amnesty International’s Secretary General denounces rollback of human rights in Tunisia What did Amnesty International find during the four-day visit to Tunisia? Drastic rollback of human rights progress since the 2011 revolution Institution of justice compromised Leaders of political opposition, activists, journalists, lawyers facing arrests and prosecutions What are the key concerns highlighted by Agnès … Read more

Potential War Crimes Uncovered: Probe into Use of Anti-Personnel Mines in Ukraine/Russia Conflict

Ukraine/Russia: Investigating the Use of Anti-Personnel Mines What is the current situation regarding anti-personnel mines in Ukraine? In 2022, Ukraine saw 608 landmine casualties, making it second only to Syria. The utilization of anti-personnel mines poses a severe threat to civilians. Most casualties result from anti-personnel mines, prohibited by international humanitarian law. What does Amnesty … Read more