Breaking News: UN extends registration for Afghan refugees for another year, a promising start

Developments in Pakistan for Afghan Refugees Responding to the recent announcement by the Government of Pakistan, Thyagi Ruwanpathirana from Amnesty International expressed his views on the extension granted to Afghan refugees holding UNHCR-issued Proof of Registration (PoR) cards in the country. Why was the extension granted? The Pakistan government agreed to extend the stay of … Read more

Legal Battle Ensues Over Afghan Children’s Immigration Eligibility Denied by U.S. Government

IRAP Files Lawsuit Challenging U.S. Government’s Determination IRAP filed a lawsuit challenging the U.S. government’s determination, under the Child Status Protection Act (CSPA), that a group of Afghan children aged out of eligibility to immigrate to safety in the United States due to government delays. What is the Case Background? Four Afghan parents and one … Read more

Remarkable: Afghan Girls Flourish in Rwanda 1,000 Days Post-School Ban!

Rwanda Welcomes Afghan Girls Denied Education: One Thousand Days and Counting What is the current situation for Afghan girls denied education? De facto authorities in Afghanistan banned Afghan girls from attending secondary school. Over a million girls are left without access to education. How are Afghan girls overcoming the ban on education? Since the ban … Read more