Breaking News: ICRC’s Intervention on Missing and Deceased Migrants at US-Mexico Border

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is actively working to address the issue of missing and deceased migrants along the US-Mexico border. What is the ICRC doing to assist in this humanitarian crisis? Let’s explore the ICRC’s response to this pressing issue: – The ICRC has been providing support to families searching for … Read more

Urgent Call for Child Protection in Haiti as Multinational Security Mission Arrives

Child Protection urged as the Multinational Security Support Mission deploys to Haiti Why is Child Protection Urged in Haiti? The Multinational Security Support (MSS) Mission led by Kenyan police starts deployment in Haiti. Amnesty International stresses the need for human rights safeguards to prevent violations. What are the Concerns? Lack of transparency on implementation of … Read more

Exclusive: ICRC Director General’s Powerful Speech at RCSC’s 120th Anniversary Event

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Director General delivered a keynote speech at the 120th anniversary ceremony of the Red Cross Society of China (RCSC). What were the highlights of the speech? The Director General praised the long-standing partnership between the ICRC and the RCSC. He emphasized the importance of continued collaboration in … Read more

Silent Suffering: Kurdistan Region’s Failure to Protect Domestic Violence Survivors

The Kurdistan Region of Iraq’s (KR-I) authorities are failing to ensure that perpetrators of domestic violence, including harrowing cases of murder, rape, beatings and burning, are held to account, and they are imposing arbitrary restrictions on the freedoms of survivors who seek protection in the shelter system, said Amnesty International in a new report published … Read more

Breaking News: Chinese Version of International Humanitarian Law Study Released Now!

The Chinese Version of the Customary International Humanitarian Law Study has been launched. What does this mean for the humanitarian community? Increased accessibility to crucial information Expanding reach to Chinese-speaking audiences Enhancing understanding of international humanitarian law How will this impact the dissemination of humanitarian law? Empowering Chinese-speaking individuals to engage with humanitarian principles Strengthening … Read more

Breaking News: Sierra Leone Passes Historic Bill to End Child Marriage – Urgent Call for Community Awareness

Reaction to Prohibition of Child Marriage Act 2024 Following the signing of the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act 2024 by President Julius Maada Bio, Amnesty International Regional Director for West and Central Africa, Samira Daoud, commended this significant move. The law aims to safeguard girls by criminalizing marriage under the age of 18, protecting their … Read more

Historic Event in China: National Inter-University Competition on Humanitarian Law Takes Place in Beijing!

What is the latest news from China? A historic event took place in Beijing recently, marking the first-ever national inter-university moot court competition on International Humanitarian Law (IHL). It was a groundbreaking competition. The event showcased the importance of IHL. Students from various universities participated. Why is this event significant? The competition provided a platform … Read more

Breaking News: Demand for Public Release of COP29 Host Country Agreement with Azerbaijan

What are the key concerns raised by Amnesty International? Lack of human rights safeguards in the Host Country Agreement (HCA) for COP29 Uncertainty about rights protections for participants at the event in Azerbaijan Need for immediate public accessibility of the HCA Why is the protection of human rights crucial at COP29? Amnesty International emphasizes the … Read more

Breaking News: China Hosts Regional Symposium Marking 30th Anniversary of Key Humanitarian Protocols

What was the recent event in China? Recently, a Regional Symposium commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Adoption of the 1977 Protocols Additional to the 1949 Geneva Conventions took place in Beijing, China. Which key topic was discussed at the symposium? During the event, participants discussed the importance of upholding international humanitarian law and protecting … Read more

Inhumane Treatment of Migrants in Italy’s Detention Centers Strips Away Their Humanity

Issues with Migration-Related Detention in Italy Are Asylum Seekers and Migrants Unlawfully Detained in Italy? Detention centres in Italy do not meet international standards. Many detained individuals do not belong in these facilities. Certain groups like LGBTQ asylum seekers are unfairly detained. What Concerns Does Amnesty International Have? Italy is expanding the use of detention … Read more