Unrest and Violence: The Realities of Internal Conflicts

The Importance of Distinguishing Between Violence and Armed Conflict in Humanitarian Law Why is it crucial to distinguish between violence and armed conflict? – Understanding the difference impacts the application of law. – It affects those directly involved or affected by the violence. How does identifying armed conflict affect the situation? – Determines the relevant … Read more

ICRC Urges Latin American and Caribbean States to Reaffirm Commitment to War Rules in Mexico’s 75th Geneva Conventions Anniversary

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has called on Latin American and Caribbean countries to reiterate their dedication to the ‘rules of war’ as the Geneva Conventions mark their 75th anniversary. The ICRC emphasized the importance of upholding humanitarian principles in conflicts to protect civilians and ensure respect for the rules of war. … Read more

Uncovering the Rich History of Committee from 1854 to Present: 54 Metres of Shelf Space Revealed!

Committee established in 1854 What is the committee’s purpose? Working towards humanitarian goals How long has the committee been active? Ongoing since 1854 How much space does the committee occupy? 54 metres of shelf space This committee, established in 1854, has been actively working towards humanitarian goals and occupies 54 metres of shelf space. Source: … Read more

Exploring the Historical Timeline of International Humanitarian Law and China

Why is International Humanitarian Law Important? International Humanitarian Law is crucial for promoting respect for the dignity of individuals affected by armed conflicts. It regulates the conduct of armed hostilities and seeks to mitigate the suffering of civilians and combatants. China’s Involvement in International Humanitarian Law In recent years, China has shown keen interest in … Read more

Uncovering the Impact of Occupation on Humanitarian Law

Discovering the Definition of Occupation: Insights from the ICRC’s Legal Team What exactly constitutes occupation? Occupation is defined as the control of a territory by a foreign power. It involves the effective exercise of authority by an occupying state. Which laws come into play during an occupation? The Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol I are … Read more

European Bishops Express Alarm Over Treatment of Forced Refugees

What did Bishop Mariano Crociata emphasize following elections in Europe? Bishop Mariano Crociata, President of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences in the EU, emphasized the need for unity among European countries. He stressed the importance of welcoming forcibly displaced people into the block. The Bishop also highlighted the significance of fostering dialogue between governmental … Read more

Ensuring Safety: The Impact of International Humanitarian Law on Journalists During Armed Conflicts

Exploring the Protection of Journalists in Armed Conflict What is International Humanitarian Law? Legal framework Protects individuals in armed conflict Includes journalists How Does it Safeguard Journalists? Unarmed status doesn’t affect protection Respect and protection required by all parties Journalists must avoid taking part in hostilities What are the Key Elements? Preventing attacks on journalists … Read more

Spanish Bishops Call for Inclusion of Young Migrants

The migration sub-commission of the Spanish Episcopal Conference endorsed a call from Bishops of the Canary Islands to “create a culture of encounter” and protect young migrants. They called for public authorities to establish reception arrangements that foster the integration of migrant minors. What is the Spanish Episcopal Conference advocating for? Creating a culture of … Read more

Call to Action: Jordan urged to release journalist prisoner over social media post

Why was Ahmad Hassan al-Zoubi arrested? Jordanian journalist Ahmad Hassan al-Zoubi was arrested for criticizing authorities in a Facebook post about transportation strikes in Ma’an. What are the charges against him? Al-Zoubi was sentenced to one year in prison and fined for “inciting strife” with his post. He faced an unfair trial under Article 150 … Read more

Unveiling the Definition of “Armed Conflict” in International Humanitarian Law: A Closer Look

The Definition of “International Armed Conflict” and “Non-International Armed Conflict” under International Humanitarian Law What constitutes an “International Armed Conflict”? Defined under International Humanitarian Law Governs armed conflicts between two or more states Includes cases where one state uses force against armed groups on the territory of another state How is a “Non-International Armed Conflict” … Read more