Wet’suwet’en Chief Dsta’hyl named Canada’s first Amnesty International prisoner of conscience

Amnesty International Designates Wet’suwet’en Chief Dsta’hyl as Prisoner of Conscience What is a Prisoner of Conscience? Amnesty International has designated Likhts’amisyu Clan Wing Chief Dsta’hyl as the first-ever prisoner of conscience in Canada. This decision recognizes individuals confined due to their beliefs, ethnicity, or other reasons without advocating violence. Why Chief Dsta’hyl? Chief Dsta’hyl was … Read more

Abandoned Yezidi survivors of ISIS atrocities left in indefinite detention in Syria’s northeast

Syria: Yezidi survivors of Islamic State atrocities abandoned to indefinite detention in north-east Syria

Yezidis Still Suffering Violations, 10 Years After Islamic State Attack Why Are Yezidis Still Missing? As per Amnesty International, thousands of Yezidi survivors of IS atrocities remain missing, with hundreds believed to be detained in north-east Syria, even after a decade has passed since the initial attack. Over 3,000 Yezidis unlawfully killed by IS At … Read more

IOM Boosts Border Security in Togo with New Equipment Donation!

The Latest in Humanitarian News What happened in Togo on July 12, 2024? The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Togo, along with the Ministry of Security and Civil Protection, German Embassy, and United States Embassy, joined forces to supply materials and equipment to the Pogno and Tamong border posts. What does this mean for … Read more

Outrage in Italy over new detention centers in Albania

Director of Amnesty International’s European Institutions Office criticizes the opening of new detention centres in Albania Why is Amnesty International against the new detention centres in Albania? The plan is harmful and unlawful Will subject people in distress to long and unnecessary journeys May curtail the right to seek asylum and have claims assessed fairly … Read more

Love saved me from blindness and death!

“I was blinded in one eye… but what saved my life was love”

Leidy Cadena: A Story of Resilience How Did Leidy Cadena’s Life Change Forever? Leidy Cadena, a Colombian student, lost an eye in a police attack. Leidy became the face of the National Strike in Colombia. Threats forced her to leave her country. What Led Leidy Cadena to Protest? Leidy protested against bullfighting in Bogotá, leading … Read more

Empowering Moldova: Reviving Hope with Cash-for-Livelihood Program

Moldova: Rebuilding lives through the cash-for-livelihood programme How is Moldova helping to rebuild lives? Moldova is implementing a cash-for-livelihood programme to support vulnerable families and individuals affected by the economic challenges exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. What does the programme entail? Providing cash assistance to help beneficiaries restart or enhance their livelihood activities Offering training … Read more

Urgent Call for De-Escalation and Civilians’ Protection in the Middle East

What is the current situation in the Middle East? The Middle East is facing a critical need for de-escalation and protection of civilians amidst escalating tensions and conflicts. Why is de-escalation necessary? De-escalation is essential to prevent further violence and ensure the safety and security of innocent civilians caught in the crossfire. How can civilians … Read more

Cease the Repetitive Violent Suppression of Baloch Protests Now!

Responding to the deaths of at least three Baloch protesters and mass arrests of participants of the ‘Baloch Raji Machi’ protests in Balochistan, Pakistan, Babu Ram Pant, Deputy Regional Director for South Asia at Amnesty International, expressed deep concern over the situation. Why are Baloch protesters facing violent crackdowns? Every time Baloch protests occur, security … Read more

Join the Fight: Ending Child Trafficking to Protect Future Generations

Every year, millions of children around the world become victims of human trafficking. To commemorate World Day against Trafficking in Persons, the United Nations Network on Migration urges States to ramp up their initiatives to prevent and address child trafficking. Additionally, they advocate for offering holistic protection and support to children affected by this heinous … Read more

Urgent Crisis in Egypt: Millions at Risk of Losing Healthcare Access

Privatization of Healthcare in Egypt: Implications for Vulnerable Communities What is the Impact of the New Law on Healthcare Access? A new law privatizing healthcare in Egypt raises concerns about accessibility. The law allows the private sector to operate public health facilities for profit. No price regulations in place, potentially leading to higher healthcare costs. … Read more