High Commissioner’s Powerful Statement on Sudan Crisis Unveiled in Paris

Statement by the High Commissioner on Sudan, ParisCaroline Earley Mon, 04/15/2024 – 19:10 Why is the war in Sudan a humanitarian crisis? The war in Sudan has led to one of the largest humanitarian crises globally. Nine million people displaced by violence Devastation of lives and infrastructure What are the current challenges faced? From the … Read more

Empowering Refugees: How Naturalization Eases Integration in Mexico

Helping Refugees Feel at Home in Mexico What is the significance of naturalization for refugees in Mexico? Andrea and Johan, two refugees from Venezuela and Honduras, respectively, found a new sense of belonging upon becoming Mexican citizens. They escaped dangerous situations in their home countries to seek refuge and build new lives in Mexico. How … Read more

From Refugee to Entrepreneur: Inspiring Story of Turning Plastic Waste into Profit

Raphael Basemi, a Congolese refugee in Kenya’s Kakuma camp, has turned plastic waste into a profitable business. How did he achieve this? Arrived in the camp in 2009 with only a bag of clothes and his education certificates Now runs the largest community-led recycling enterprise in the camp, providing jobs for refugees and locals Founded … Read more

UNHCR’s Award-Winning YouTube Series Breaks Refugee Stereotypes

UNHCR Wins Webby Award for YouTube Series GENEVA – We Were Here, a three-part video series challenging perceptions about refugees, has won the people’s choice award in the documentary category of the Webby Awards. What is We Were Here? Produced by UNHCR and YouTube Pairs content creators with refugees sharing passions Based in Jordan, Germany, … Read more

Breaking News: Education Above All Foundation & UNHCR join forces to educate refugee children out of school

UNHCR and Education Above All Foundation Join Forces to Educate Out-of-School Refugee Children UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and Education Above All (EAA) Foundation have recently signed a new five-year partnership agreement to tackle the global issue of out-of-school children, including refugees, internally displaced individuals, and host community children. What Does the New Agreement Focus … Read more