ICMC Members Rally for Refugees’ Sustainable Return and Reintegration!

ICMC Members Support Sustainable and Dignified Return and Reintegration for Refugees and Migrants What is the latest initiative from the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC)? ICMC members are backing sustainable and dignified return and reintegration for refugees and migrants. How will this initiative benefit refugees and migrants? It aims to provide them with necessary support … Read more

UK Faith Leaders Unite Against Anti-Immigrant Violence in Joint Letter

What is the latest news involving Cardinal Nichols and UK Faith Leaders? In an effort to address recent anti-immigration riots, Cardinal Nichols has joined hands with other UK Faith Leaders. This joint effort aims to condemn the violence and spread a message of unity and compassion. What message did the Faith Leaders convey in their … Read more

Ethiopian Church Provides Aid to Conflict Displaced People

What is the Church in Ethiopia doing to help those displaced by conflict? Catholics in Ethiopia are dedicated to providing assistance to individuals forcibly displaced by conflict, according to Cardinal Berhaneyesus Demerew Souraphiel, President of the Episcopal Conference. The Church is offering support in social, psychological, spiritual, and trauma treatment areas. This commitment underscores the … Read more

Nigerian Bishops’ New Initiative: Aid for Migrants and Refugees

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria has taken a significant step by launching an apostolate to support people on the move. What is the purpose of the new migrant and refugee unit? Adapting Vatican guidelines to the Nigerian context Streamlining activities across dioceses Serving as an advocacy voice to government and international agencies This initiative … Read more

Top Church Leaders Speak Out Against Attacks on Immigrants in England and Wales

What have Bishops in England and Wales Condemned? Bishops in England and Wales have condemned the “appalling” acts of violence against people on the move as anti-immigrant protests have rocked the country over the past week. What Message did Lead Migration Bishop Paul McAleenan Deliver? Lead migration Bishop Paul McAleenan assured newcomers that the Church … Read more

Breaking News: ICMC shines spotlight on refugees and migrants at world-renowned labor conference.

ICMC Highlights Refugees and Migrants at 112th International Labour Conference What is the International Catholic Migration Commission focusing on? Emphasizing the plight of refugees and migrants At the 112th International Labour Conference Why is this important? Shining a spotlight on vulnerable populations Raising awareness on global migration challenges The International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) recently … Read more

European Bishops Express Alarm Over Treatment of Forced Refugees

What did Bishop Mariano Crociata emphasize following elections in Europe? Bishop Mariano Crociata, President of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences in the EU, emphasized the need for unity among European countries. He stressed the importance of welcoming forcibly displaced people into the block. The Bishop also highlighted the significance of fostering dialogue between governmental … Read more

Spanish Bishops Call for Inclusion of Young Migrants

The migration sub-commission of the Spanish Episcopal Conference endorsed a call from Bishops of the Canary Islands to “create a culture of encounter” and protect young migrants. They called for public authorities to establish reception arrangements that foster the integration of migrant minors. What is the Spanish Episcopal Conference advocating for? Creating a culture of … Read more

Guinea’s Church Empowers Migrants: A Beacon of Hope

What initiative is the Church in Guinea taking to assist young people at risk of irregular migration? The Church in Guinea is providing “Free to Leave or Stay” information sessions for young people. Bishop Raphaël Balla Guilavogui stated the aim is to raise awareness of the challenges of irregular migration. How is the Episcopal Conference … Read more