Taking Global Action to Protect Humanity’s Future

By Agnès Callamard, Secretary General at Amnesty International Why is humanity at a crossroads? Multiple wars and extreme inequality Looming climate collapse New technologies transforming our existence We have no time for complacency or defeatism. It is crucial to salvage the world for future generations. What is the U.N.’s Summit of the Future? Aims to … Read more

Exclusive Blog: Adolfo Campos – The Fight for Freedom

#FreeTheFive Blog: ADOLFO CAMPOS - Amnesty International

One Year Since Adolfo Campos’ Arrest: A Story of Injustice What Happened to Adolfo Campos? Arrested on September 16, 2023, for protesting. Charged with “outrage and injury to the President.” Changed to “disobedience and resisting orders.” Who is Adolfo Campos? Activist fighting for equality in Angola. Dreams of seeing everyone improve their lives. Impact on … Read more

Impunity Reigns in Iran 2 Years After ‘Woman Life Freedom’ Uprising

Challenges in Iran after ‘Woman Life Freedom’ Uprising Two years after the ‘Woman Life Freedom’ uprising in Iran, the repercussions of the authorities’ brutal response continue to be felt. Brutal Crackdown and Impunity No impartial investigations into human rights violations during protests Security forces used excessive force resulting in numerous deaths and injuries Authorities targeting … Read more

Tajikistan’s Forgotten Crisis: Pamiri Minority Victims of Systemic Discrimination

The Tajikistani authorities are perpetuating systemic discrimination and severe human rights violations against the Pamiri minority, according to new research by Amnesty International. The Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO) in East Tajikistan is home to several ethnic groups forming the Pamiri minority, mostly practicing the Shia Ismaili branch of Islam. Denied official recognition as a minority … Read more

Outrage in Libya: Calls for Accountability in Custodial Deaths and Disappearances

Human Rights Violations by Internal Security Agency in Libya What are the recent abuses by the Internal Security Agency (ISA) in Libya? Arbitrary arrests and deaths in custody intensify No investigations into suspicious deaths of detainees No accountability for human rights violations What has Amnesty International uncovered regarding the ISA’s actions? Amnesty International revealed that … Read more

Controversial Public Order Act restricts freedom of speech in Pakistan

What does the new Peaceful Assembly and Public Order Act mean for Pakistan? Responding to the recent developments in Pakistan, Deputy Regional Director for South Asia at Amnesty International raised concerns about the implications of the new Peaceful Assembly and Public Order Act 2024. The Act poses a threat to the right to freedom of … Read more

Call for Action: Renewing Experts’ Mandate in Venezuela by UN Human Rights Council

The United Nations Human Rights Council is urged to renew the mandate of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela, as highlighted by 29 national and international organizations dedicated to defending human rights in the country. Why is International Accountability Urgently Needed in Venezuela? The Mission is crucial in pushing for accountability and maintaining international … Read more

Call for Action: Renewing Experts’ Mandate in Venezuela by UN Human Rights Council

International Accountability Urgently Needed Amid Intensifying Post-Election Repression What is the call for action? 29 national and international organizations are urging the United Nations Human Rights Council to renew the mandate of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela. The Mission plays a crucial role in pushing for accountability and maintaining international scrutiny. Why is … Read more

Unlocking Potential: Transforming Lives Through Human Rights Education and Literacy

Empowering Minds: Human Rights Education, Literacy and the Right to Education 

Empowering Minds: Human Rights Education, Literacy and the Right to Education Why is Literacy Vital for Global Education? Every child deserves education for growth and development. Unfortunately, by 2030, over 300 million students worldwide may lack basic literacy skills, hindering personal and societal progress. Significance of International Literacy Day UNESCO proclaimed September 8th as International … Read more

Exposed: Saudi Arabia Hosts Internet Governance Forum Amid Crackdown on Online Critics

NGOs Call for Release of Detained Individuals in Saudi Arabia A coalition of 40 NGOs and human rights organizations, including Amnesty International, has urged Saudi Arabia to release all arbitrarily detained individuals prior to the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Riyadh. Will Saudi Arabia Prioritize Human Rights Ahead of IGF? IGF is set to take … Read more