Inside Look: Insights from the 2024 UNHCR Global Meetings with Nonprofit Organizations

The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR)’s Global Consultations with Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have been convened for 30 years as a space to exchange ideas, identify policy priorities, and inform collaboration between UNHCR and NGOs. Asylum Access, a regular attendee, participated in this important forum from June 11-13, 2024, in Geneva, represented by Deepa Nambiar, Director of Partnerships, and Interim Co-CEOs Rouba Anka and Lisa D’Annunzio. This year’s event centered on Solutions, Inclusion, and Gender Equality.

Why are the UNHCR Global Consultations with NGOs important?

  • Platform for NGOs and Refugee-Led Organizations (RLOs)
  • Exchange expertise and foster collaborative efforts
  • Focus on pressing challenges

The consultations provided a unique opportunity for informal networking, enabling connections among RLOs, NGOs, International NGOs, and UNHCR partners worldwide. These interactions strengthened existing relationships and allowed exploration of new ones. Attendees appreciated this year’s inclusion of interactive sessions, fostering deeper engagement and collaboration. The closing ceremony featured a powerful speech by Taban Shoresh, CEO of the Lotus Flower, highlighting the potential of forcibly displaced voices in shaping their futures.

What were the key takeaways from the 2024 UNHCR Global Consultations?

  • Importance of genuine inclusion and representation of proximate actors
  • Opportunity for informal networking and collaboration
  • Need to address system barriers for refugee participation and leadership

However, despite the focus on Inclusion and Gender Equality, the participation of forcibly displaced individuals with diverse backgrounds was limited. Refugee and local partner representation as speakers in key panels was also lacking. Recommendations include prioritizing barrier removal to participation, ensuring greater diversity in panel selection, and increasing interactive sessions to enhance engagement and problem-solving.

How can UNHCR enhance refugee participation and leadership?

  • Prioritize removing barriers to participation
  • Ensure greater diversity in panel selection
  • Increase interactive sessions for collaborative problem-solving

Reflections on the 2024 UNHCR Global Consultations highlight the need for ongoing efforts to promote refugee participation, leadership, and equitable partnerships for a more inclusive and impactful humanitarian landscape.


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