Demand for Freedom: Call for Cuba to Release Unjustly Detained Citizens and Repeal Repressive Laws

Amnesty International Names Pedro Albert Sánchez as Prisoner of Conscience

Who Is Pedro Albert Sánchez?

  • Known for outspoken criticism of Cuban government
  • Advocate for freedom of expression and peaceful assembly
  • Arrested multiple times since 2020 for peaceful protests

What Did Amnesty International Demand?

  • Release of Pedro Albert Sánchez
  • Freedom for all unjustly imprisoned individuals
  • End to systematic repression in Cuba

Why Did Amnesty International Speak Out?

Amnesty International urges the Cuban government to respect human rights and release those imprisoned unjustly. Ana Piquer, Amnesty International Americas Director, calls for an end to repressive tactics silencing dissent.

Human Rights Violations in Cuba

What is the Current Situation in Cuba?

  • Increasing repression and criminalization of dissent
  • Systematic use of repression tactics by authorities
  • Examples of opposition leaders and activists facing persecution

What Does Amnesty International Denounce?

Amnesty International researcher for the Caribbean region, Johanna Cilano Pelaez, highlights the urgent need to dismantle policies facilitating repression in Cuba. Many individuals remain imprisoned for exercising their right to freedom of expression.

Protests in Cuba and Repressive Response

How Have Protests Been Met?

  • Driven by economic crisis and demands for rights
  • Met with a sophisticated system of repression
  • Participants facing arbitrary detention and baseless charges

What Does Amnesty International Call For?

Amnesty International calls on the Cuban government to respect peaceful protests, end repression, and free those unjustly imprisoned for demanding human rights.


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