Cambodia’s Environmental Movement Dealt Hit with Conviction of Youth Activists

Amnesty International Condemns Conviction of Cambodian Activists

Responding to news that 10 environmental activists associated with the Mother Nature Cambodia group were convicted by the Phnom Penh Capital Court, Amnesty International expressed deep concern over the verdict.

Why is Amnesty International Speaking Out?

  • The activists were convicted of “plotting” and “insulting the King.”
  • Mother Nature Cambodia group raises awareness about environmental degradation and corruption in Cambodia.
  • The Cambodian government is criticized for silencing dissent and restricting freedom of assembly.

Background of the Case

The trial began on 29 May 2024, with charges related to the activists’ public activism since 2012. The verdict was delivered recently.

Verdict and Sentencing

  • Seven activists were sentenced to six years in prison for “plotting.”
  • Three activists received eight years in prison for “plotting” and “insulting the King.”
  • A Spanish national activist faces permanent expulsion from Cambodia.

Significance of Mother Nature Cambodia

The group’s activism addresses issues like sand dredging, lake-infilling, and pollution, resonating with Cambodian youth.

International Recognition

Despite facing legal challenges, the group was awarded Sweden’s Right Livelihood award in 2023 for its environmental activism.


The conviction of these activists underlines the challenges faced by civil society groups in Cambodia.


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