Urgent: Famine Crisis Threatens Sudanese Millions Amid Conflict and Blockades

Sudanese People Facing Imminent Famine: Urgent Humanitarian Crisis

Why are millions in Sudan at risk?

  • Displaced from their lands
  • Living under bombardments
  • Cut off from humanitarian assistance

What is the current situation in Sudan?

Time is running out for millions of people in Sudan who are facing the threat of famine. The situation is dire, with many individuals displaced from their lands and living under constant bombardments. The lack of access to humanitarian assistance further exacerbates the crisis.

What are the consequences of this crisis?

  • Imminent risk of famine
  • Lack of basic necessities
  • Vulnerability to violence

The situation in Sudan is critical, with millions of people at risk of famine and in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. Immediate action is needed to address this pressing crisis and prevent further suffering.

Source: www.iom.int

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