Opposition to U.S. Government’s Decision to Cut Funding to UNRWA: A Grave Mistake

April 29, 2024


Diego Catala

Letter from 100+ Refugee and Human Rights Organizations to U.S. Government: Withholding Funding to UNRWA a “Moral and Strategic Failure”

Read the letter and see the list of the 103 signatories here

Why is Withholding Funding to UNRWA Considered a Moral and Strategic Failure?

  • In a letter to President Biden and Congressional leaders, over 100 organizations emphasize the urgent need to reinstate funding to UNRWA
  • Failure to support UNRWA during the dire situation in Gaza is deemed a moral failure by the signatories
  • Cutting off funding severely impacts humanitarian relief efforts in one of the worst crises of our time

“By prohibiting funding to UNRWA, Congress has cemented the United States’ complicity in a humanitarian catastrophe which threatens millions of Palestinian lives,” said Abed Ayoub, National Executive Director at the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC).

How is US Funding Suspension Affecting Palestinian Refugees?

  • With famine looming, children, and families in Gaza are facing starvation and displacement due to lack of aid
  • Cessation of funding to UNRWA leads to collective punishment of Palestinians, worsening their living conditions
  • Over 3 million Palestinian refugees in the region depend on UNRWA for essential services like education and healthcare

“The rapid onset of famine and its consequences for the civilian population should mark an inflection point for the Biden Administration and members of Congress on Gaza.”

What is the Urgent Call to Action for the US Government?

  • International NGOs lack the capacity to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza effectively without UNRWA’s support
  • Reinstating funding to UNRWA is crucial to saving lives and providing essential services to Palestinian refugees
  • US commitment to human rights and humanitarian aid should be reflected by supporting UNRWA

For the full letter and list of signatories, click here


Source: refugeerights.org

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