Unlocking the Potential: Empowering LGBTIQ+ Refugees with Inclusive, Comprehensive Support

What is the Message on International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia?

Reflecting on the struggles faced by forced refugees to flee discrimination based on their identity.

What are the Challenges Faced by LGBTIQ+ Refugees?

  • Discrimination, prejudice, and violence in countries of origin
  • Barriers to seeking asylum and accessing services in host countries
  • Xenophobic hostility and socio-economic marginalization
  • Isolation and acute emotional distress

What is UNHCR’s Response?

Advocating for the protection of forcibly displaced and stateless LGBTIQ+ individuals.

What is the Global Stand on LGBTIQ+ Rights?

Emphasizing the right to seek asylum and enjoy fundamental human rights for all individuals.

What is UNHCR’s Commitment?

  • Partnering with LGBTIQ+ organizations for protection
  • Designing safe and inclusive response services
  • Working with states and global activists for solutions
  • Continuing staff and partner sensitization initiatives

How is Inclusion Being Promoted?

Ensuring that no individual is forced to flee and that all at-risk individuals, including LGBTIQ+ persons, feel involved, included, and protected.

Let’s work together to protect the rights and safety of those forced to flee and promote inclusion in all communities.

Source: www.unhcr.org

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