Breaking: Global Trends and Challenges in Human Mobility Unveiled in World Migration Report 2024!

How much have international remittances increased between 2000 and 2022?

According to recent data, international remittances have surged by an impressive 650%, rising from USD 128 billion to USD 831 billion during this period.

What role do migrant remittances play in developing nations’ economies?

A significant role indeed! Migrant remittances have outpaced foreign direct investment in terms of boosting the GDP of developing nations.

What are some key statistics related to international migrants?

Globally, there are approximately 281 million international migrants. To add to this, the number of displaced individuals reached a record high of 117 million by the close of 2022.

Where can you find more information on migration trends?

If you’re keen on learning more about migration trends, you can access the World Migration Report 2024 on the official WMR website.


International remittances have seen a massive surge of 650% between 2000 and 2022, reaching USD 831 billion. Migrant remittances are playing a crucial role in boosting the GDP of developing nations, surpassing foreign direct investment. With approximately 281 million international migrants globally and a record high of 117 million displaced individuals by the end of 2022, understanding migration trends is more important than ever.


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