Landmark Case Challenges Obstacles to Reuniting Syrian Refugee Families

Challenging Government Policy Preventing Syrian Refugees from Reuniting

This case raises concerns about a government policy that bars Syrian refugees from accessing a family reunification pathway designed to bypass visa backlogs. Our plaintiffs, two U.S. citizens who fled Syria as refugees, are striving to reunite with their siblings left behind in Jordan. Their siblings face abuse, harassment, and fear of deportation to Syria.

Why Can’t Our Plaintiffs Reunite with Their Siblings?

  • Plaintiffs are U.S. citizens eligible for family-sponsored immigrant visas to bring their siblings to the U.S.
  • However, visa caps and backlogs hinder their siblings from starting the visa application process.
  • A faster option, the Priority-2 Direct Access Program for Iraqi and Syrian beneficiaries of an approved I-130 Petition, was created for Syrian refugees, but the plaintiffs’ siblings are excluded.

What is the Impact of This Government Policy?

The government’s refusal to adjudicate I-130 petitions arbitrarily denies the plaintiffs’ siblings access to the refugee program. This case aims to challenge this policy and enable the siblings to reunite with the plaintiffs in the U.S.

Case Status

  • March 19, 2024: Complaint filed

Stay updated on the case’s progress by following the related court documents.


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