Outrage in Lesotho: Military accused of torturing and killing civilians. Call for urgent investigation!

Amnesty International Calls for Urgent Investigation into Allegations of Torture and Killings by Lesotho Defence Forces

What recent reports have surfaced regarding the conduct of Lesotho Defence Forces?

  • Recent reports indicate that LDF soldiers tortured and killed civilians during Operation Hard Fist.
  • Amnesty International’s Deputy Regional Director, Khanyo Farise, condemns these actions.

What actions does Amnesty International urge the authorities to take?

Amnesty International urges Lesotho’s authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into the allegations, bring perpetrators to justice, and compensate victims.

What events led to these allegations?

  • Operation Hard Fist was launched earlier this year.
  • Soldiers detained and tortured individuals at army bases in August and September.

Khanyo Farise emphasizes that torture and killings can never be justified, even during crackdowns on gangs. The Prime Minister is urged to condemn these actions and uphold the commitment to end army abuses.

The incidents follow previous reports of torture by LDF soldiers earlier in 2024.

Amnesty International continues to call for accountability and justice in Lesotho.

Source: www.amnesty.org

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