Injustice in Angola: Free activists unjustly imprisoned for a year without medical help!

Angola: Urgent Release of Activists Denied Medical Care

Why are Angolan authorities urged to release activists?

  • Four activists have been wrongfully detained for one year.
  • Their health has drastically deteriorated due to denied medical care.
  • Authorities arrested them ahead of a planned protest in solidarity with motorcycle taxi drivers.

Amnesty International has documented the significant declines in their health, urging the immediate release of the activists. The deputy director for East and Southern Africa states that one year in prison for peaceful protest is unjust.

What is the pattern of refusing medical care in prisons?

  • Adolfo Campos has lost vision and hearing in prison.
  • Authorities blocked urgent surgery for him.
  • Gilson Moreira has suffered over two years of denied care.

The activists have faced denied medical care, leading to deteriorating health conditions. One of the detained activists, Neth Nahara, has not received her HIV medication promptly, risking her health.

What actions are urged to safeguard human rights?

  • Authorities must release the activists immediately.
  • Ensure the detainees receive the necessary medical care.
  • Allow the citizens to freely exercise their human rights.

This troubling pattern of withholding care as a punishment amounts to torture according to Amnesty International.


Despite the worsening health conditions and denied medical care, the Angolan activists continue to languish in prison. Urgent action is needed to secure their release and protect their right to proper healthcare.


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