United Support: All 50 States Embrace Refugees in Local Communities

September 12, 2024



Henrike Dessaules | [email protected]


Hundreds of Elected Officials Sign Bipartisan Letter to President Biden to Strengthen USRAP

(New York, NY) – Today, 477 state and local elected officials from across the country sent President Biden a letter urging him to “strengthen the U.S. resettlement program to improve our capacity to welcome, enable our communities to more nimbly provide humanitarian protection, and preserve the United States Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) for years to come.”

Why is this bipartisan letter important for the future of US resettlement?

  • The letter aims to enhance the US resettlement program capacity
  • It reflects the views of the American voters
  • It seeks to preserve USRAP for long-term sustainability

The bipartisan letter was organized by the International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP) and the Refugee Advocacy Lab in partnership with Amnesty International USA and Church World Service (CWS).

What do state and local officials have to say about welcoming refugees?

  • Reflecting the viewpoints of the majority of American voters
  • Some officials have refugee backgrounds
  • Support for welcoming refugees in communities

In the letter, officials from all 50 states and the District of Columbia expressed their strong support for welcoming refugees in their communities, highlighting the importance of refugee resettlement.

How do local officials view the impact of refugee resettlement?

  • Refugees bring diverse skills and perspectives to communities
  • They contribute to economic growth and innovation
  • They help fill critical gaps in the workforce

Signatories included mayors, city council members, and state legislators who recognize the vital importance of refugee resettlement infrastructure in their communities.

What do state legislators have to say about the benefits of refugee resettlement?

  • Refugee immigration provides economic benefits and cultural enrichment
  • It helps create demographic balance and promotes innovation
  • It enhances the USA’s position as a humanitarian world leader

Many officials emphasized the importance of funding USRAP to continue to provide a safe haven for refugees fleeing persecution.

Why is supporting USRAP imperative for the future?

  • It ensures the USA remains a leader in welcoming people seeking safety
  • It upholds America’s legacy as a beacon of hope for those in need
  • It contributes to the long-term sustainability of refugee resettlement

The organizers of the letter stress the need for President Biden to invest in the strength and sustainability of the U.S. refugee resettlement program for years to come.

To view the letter and signatories, click here.

Source: refugeerights.org

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