BREAKING: Bangladesh Commits to Ending Enforced Disappearances with UN Convention Signing

Response to the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearances

Why is the signing of the Convention important?

  • The signing marks a significant step towards truth and justice for victims in Bangladesh.
  • Enforced disappearances are regarded as severe human rights violations.

What are the next steps for the interim government?

  • Ratify the Convention and enact strong domestic legislation.
  • Allow the UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances to support victims.

What actions should the commission of inquiry take?

  • Conduct thorough investigations into all enforced disappearances cases.
  • Extend the mandate to include cases prior to 2010.
  • Engage with civil society and victim groups transparently.

Background Information

  • 708 cases of enforced disappearances were reported in Bangladesh from 2009 to June 2024.
  • Three ‘disappeared’ individuals were released after the ex-Prime Minister’s resignation.
  • A 5-member commission of inquiry was established to investigate disappearances from 2010 to 2024.

In conclusion, the signing of the Convention on Enforced Disappearances in Bangladesh is a promising step towards justice. It is imperative for the government to take proactive measures to address past violations and support victims moving forward.


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