Crackdown in Cambodia: Authorities Target Critics of Development Project

What is the latest news from Cambodia regarding human rights violations?

  • At least 94 individuals have been arbitrarily arrested for criticizing the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam Development Triangle Area (CLV) since late July 2024, as reported by Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International.
  • Among those arrested, 59 are still held unlawfully and charged for their peaceful expression, including children.
  • The arrests are related to concerns over the CLV, a development plan among Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam to boost cooperation in trade and migration.

How have authorities responded to public criticism?

  • Arrested individuals have been charged with plotting and incitement for expressing dissent about the CLV or organizing peaceful demonstrations.
  • The Cambodian government has tightened security measures and imposed travel restrictions amidst growing public criticism.

What are the reactions and statements from international bodies?

  • Amnesty International has condemned the crackdown on freedom of expression and called on Cambodia’s partners to denounce these actions.
  • Human Rights Watch highlighted the wrongful detentions and charges, criticizing Prime Minister Hun Manet’s disregard for human rights.


The arbitrary arrests of individuals criticizing the CLV and the subsequent charges by Cambodian authorities have drawn widespread international condemnation for violating human rights and stifling freedom of expression.


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