Revolutionizing Migrant Support Across Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei

The Episcopal migrant commission in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei recently convened to discuss enhancing the Church’s support for migrants and refugees. The event, featuring a webinar hosted by the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences, emphasized the importance of collaboration.

What were the key takeaways from the meeting?

  • Discussing ways to improve services for migrants and refugees
  • Highlighting the importance of collaboration among different organizations
  • Emphasizing the role of the Church in addressing the needs of migrants

Why is collaboration crucial in supporting migrants and refugees?

Collaboration is vital in providing comprehensive support to migrants and refugees, as it allows different organizations to pool their resources and expertise to address the diverse needs of this vulnerable group.


The recent meeting of the Episcopal migrant commission in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei underscored the significance of collaboration in enhancing the Church’s response to the needs of migrants and refugees. Moving forward, fostering strong partnerships between various organizations will be essential in providing effective support to this marginalized community.


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