Deadly Consequences: Governments Ignoring Arms Trade Treaty Guidelines, Causing Mass Casualties

Arms Trade Treaty: Impact Over 10 Years

Are Governments Violating the Treaty?

Amnesty International exposes unlawful arms transfers perpetuating grave abuses in conflict zones.

  • World’s top arms exporters breaching Arms Trade Treaty, resulting in loss of life.
  • 155 states adopted the Treaty in 2013, aiming to govern global arms trade.
  • US largest arms provider to Israel despite evidence of war crimes.

Who’s Affected by Illegal Arms Trade?

Amnesty International reveals impacts in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Sudan, and Myanmar.

  • US-manufactured weapons used in deadly Gaza Strip airstrikes.
  • Sudan engulfed in crisis due to illegal arms transfers despite UN embargo.
  • Myanmar imports over $1 billion USD in arms, fueling civilian attacks.

Progress and Call to Action

Amnesty International calls for strict enforcement of the Arms Trade Treaty to reduce human suffering.

  • Global efforts needed to uphold Treaty and prevent further bloodshed.
  • 10th Conference of States Parties to the Treaty set for August 19-23.

State parties and signatories to the Arms Trade Treaty cannot afford to shirk their obligations any longer.” – Patrick Wilcken


Amnesty International continues to shed light on illegal arms transfers violating the Arms Trade Treaty, urging governments to take immediate action to prevent further loss of life.


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