Year later: Jordan’s Cybercrimes Law still limiting freedom of speech

Jordanian authorities weaponize Cybercrimes Law to target journalists and activists

Amnesty International reported an alarming trend where Jordanian authorities are utilizing a new Cybercrimes Law to suppress dissenting voices and persecute those critical of the government.

Increased Scope and Restrictions Under the New Law

  • A critical focus is on individuals expressing opinions against governmental practices
  • The 2023 law amends 2015 legislation, enabling broader persecution
  • Harsh penalties introduced for vaguely defined offenses like “spreading fake news”

Human Rights Violations Documented

Amnesty International documented various cases where individuals saw their rights violated due to the new Cybercrimes Law. From arrests without warrant to intimidation tactics, the crackdown is severe.

Outcry Against Governmental Actions

Aya Majzoub, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa, emphasized the need for a law revision to align with international human rights standards, ensuring that freedom of expression remains protected.

Cybercrimes Law Instrumentalized to Silence Critics

The Jordanian authorities have sentenced hundreds under the Cybercrimes Law for simply criticizing the regime. The narrative covers activists, journalists, and ordinary citizens targeted for their peaceful expressions against government policies.

Intimidation Tactics Persist

  • Jordan’s Cybercrimes Law has created an atmosphere of self-censorship and stifled dissent
  • Journalists, activists, and writers face persecution for expressing critical views

Crackdown on Pro-Palestine Protests by Jordanian Authorities

Amnesty International’s investigations have unearthed numerous incidents where security forces target activists and journalists involved in pro-Palestine protests, potraying solidarity as a punishable offense.

Administrative Detention as a Form of Punitive Action

Administrative detention has been used as an extra layer of repression, with governors invoking the law to suppress activists and critics, evading fair judicial processes.

Continued Clampdown

  • Activists are subjected to detention without due process or charge
  • The narrative to suppress dissent remains a concerning trend in Jordanian governance

Persistent Efforts to Uphold Freedom of Expression

Jordan’s Cybercrimes Law continues to pose a severe threat to freedom of speech and expression. Activists, journalists, and critics are facing undue persecution, highlighting the pressing need for reform in the legal system.


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