Breaking News: United States Must Stop Deportation Flights to Haiti – Violating International Humanitarian Principles

Forced Repatriation of Haitians by the United States Raises Concerns

What are the implications of the U.S. government’s deportation flights to Haiti amidst ongoing violence?

  • Violations of commitments to non-refoulement
  • Disparate impact on Black migrants exercising their rights

Staff Attorney Erik Crew emphasizes the need for the U.S. to provide lawful pathways for Haitians seeking safety instead of deporting them.

How has the 2021 assassination of President Jovenel Moise contributed to unrest in Haiti?

  • Siege conditions and internal displacement
  • Dire food insecurity and violence targeting vulnerable demographics

Climate risks and natural disasters exacerbate displacement, with a significant portion of Haiti’s population exposed to severe threats.

What immigration deterrence measures has the Biden administration implemented?

  • Interdicting Haitian migrants at sea
  • Forcing repatriation flights
  • Limited access to asylum at the U.S. southern border

These measures drive migrants to undertake perilous journeys, resulting in tragic incidents like the recent boat fire.

How should the U.S. address the situation in Haiti?

  • Cease deportation flights
  • Ensure access to legal counsel and asylum process
  • Respect the human rights of Haitian migrants

IRAP commends the extension of Temporary Protective Status for Haitian nationals but stresses the need for sustainable solutions to the crisis.


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