Amnesty International Urges Guatemala to Release José Rubén Zamora, Declared Prisoner of Conscience

Why was journalist José Rubén Zamora declared a prisoner of conscience?

  • Amnesty International declared José Rubén Zamora a prisoner of conscience

What are the demands of Amnesty International regarding his release?

  • Authorities must release him immediately and unconditionally

What is the current situation of José Rubén Zamora?

  • He has spent two years in the Mariscal Zavala military prison
  • He was arrested for money laundering

Why is Amnesty International calling for his release?

  • Due to violations of his human rights
  • To curtail freedom of expression in Guatemala

Amnesty International has labeled José Rubén Zamora a prisoner of conscience and is demanding his immediate and unconditional release. Zamora, an investigative journalist, has faced two years of imprisonment in Guatemala following allegations of money laundering. Despite a guilty verdict in 2023, the Appeals Court overturned the sentence, leading to ongoing legal battles. Amnesty International highlights violations of Zamora’s human rights and underscores the broader impact on freedom of expression in Guatemala. It is essential for authorities to address these issues promptly to uphold human rights standards.


  • Award-winning journalist José Rubén Zamora faces prolonged arbitrary detention in Guatemala
  • Amnesty International calls for his immediate and unconditional release
  • Violations of his human rights underscore broader threats to freedom of expression in the region


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