Impunity Reigns in Iran 2 Years After ‘Woman Life Freedom’ Uprising

Challenges in Iran after ‘Woman Life Freedom’ Uprising

Two years after the ‘Woman Life Freedom’ uprising in Iran, the repercussions of the authorities’ brutal response continue to be felt.

Brutal Crackdown and Impunity

  • No impartial investigations into human rights violations during protests
  • Security forces used excessive force resulting in numerous deaths and injuries
  • Authorities targeting relatives of victims seeking justice

War on Women Intensifies

  • New laws enforcing compulsory veiling and cracking down on dissent
  • Increased violent assaults on women and girls challenging veiling laws
  • Use of death penalty to silence opposition

Ramped up Repression

  • Intensified use of death penalty since the uprising
  • Execution of individuals based on unfair trials and extracted confessions
  • Women activists facing death sentences for peaceful activism

Systematic Impunity and Denial

  • Officials evading justice for crimes under international law
  • Biased committees denying responsibility for security force actions
  • Refusal to cooperate with UN Fact-Finding Mission

Amnesty International urges states to investigate crimes under international law committed by Iranian authorities and ensure accountability.


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