Outrage in Libya: Calls for Accountability in Custodial Deaths and Disappearances

Human Rights Violations by Internal Security Agency in Libya

What are the recent abuses by the Internal Security Agency (ISA) in Libya?

  • Arbitrary arrests and deaths in custody intensify
  • No investigations into suspicious deaths of detainees
  • No accountability for human rights violations

What has Amnesty International uncovered regarding the ISA’s actions?

Amnesty International revealed that the ISA arrested individuals without warrants, detained them for months without communication, and caused deaths in custody. Violations were carried out against those criticizing the Libyan Arab Armed Forces.

What is the demand from Amnesty International?

  • Immediate release of arbitrarily detained individuals
  • Suspension and investigation of ISA commanders responsible for crimes
  • Fair prosecution of offenders in civilian courts

What specific cases demonstrate the severity of violations?

Examples include the suspicious death of Ahmed Abdel Moneim Al-Zawi, the arbitrary arrests of political activists, and the enforced disappearance of Sufi Sheikh Muftah Al-Amin Al-Biju.

What is the background of the ISA and the situation in Libya?

The ISA operates under the de facto authority of the Libyan Arab Armed Forces. The budget allocation to armed groups like ISA raises concerns about human rights abuses. International human rights law applies to de facto authorities controlling territories.


The internal Security Agency in Libya has been implicated in arbitrary detentions, enforced disappearances, and deaths in custody. Amnesty International is calling for accountability and respect for human rights in the country.

Source: www.amnesty.org

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