Controversial Public Order Act restricts freedom of speech in Pakistan

What does the new Peaceful Assembly and Public Order Act mean for Pakistan?

Responding to the recent developments in Pakistan, Deputy Regional Director for South Asia at Amnesty International raised concerns about the implications of the new Peaceful Assembly and Public Order Act 2024.

  • The Act poses a threat to the right to freedom of peaceful assembly in the country.
  • The Government of Pakistan swiftly passed the bill, expanding authorities’ powers to restrict or ban assemblies on broad grounds.
  • While currently applicable only to Islamabad, the law sets a dangerous precedent that could spread to other regions.

What are the key concerns raised by Amnesty International?

Amnesty International highlighted the following concerns:

  • The law could have a chilling effect in the capital and limit the right to peaceful assembly near government buildings.
  • Civil society groups, activists, and political opponents must be consulted during the legislative process.
  • The Pakistan government should repeal the Act and amend other laws violating international human rights obligations.

Background of the Peaceful Assembly and Public Order Act

The Act was swiftly passed in both houses of Parliament in Pakistan amidst objections from opposition parties and received Presidential assent in the same week it was introduced.


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