Mongolia Urges International Action: Putin’s Arrest & Trial at ICC

Responding to reports that Vladimir Putin plans to visit Mongolia on 3 September, Altantuya Batdorj, Executive Director of Amnesty International Mongolia, stresses the importance of action:

What are Mongolia’s obligations?

  • Mongolia must arrest President Putin.
  • He should be handed over to the International Criminal Court (ICC).

President Putin faces charges of war crimes and is a fugitive from justice. Failure to arrest him will only support his actions.

Why is this significant?

This visit could undermine the ICC’s efforts to prosecute war criminals and send a message of impunity for serious crimes under international law.

Background on the situation

  • Vladimir Putin is wanted by the ICC for war crimes.
  • He may visit Mongolia on 3 September at the invitation of President Ukhnaa Khurelsukh.

In previous instances, arrest warrants have been issued against Russian military officials for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Amnesty International has been actively documenting violations of international law since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2014. The organization continues its efforts to uphold justice and accountability.


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