Amnesty International Sheds Light on Gildo’s Story: FreeTheFive Exclusive

FreeTheFive Blog: Gildo

16 September marks one year since Gildo das Ruas has been detained. We met with his partner, his father and brother; they described what an entire year, without Gildo has been like.

Q: Who is Gildo and why will he spend around 880 days in prison without having committed any crime?

“I’m an informal seller at the market, and that’s where I met Gildo in 2020. He invited me to go out, and from there we became close to each other. I didn’t know he was an activist. When I found out, people discouraged me from continuing my relationship with him, but he always said I shouldn’t listen, and I didn’t,” said Marcelina.

Gildo’s father, José Gonga, saw Gildo grow into his activism, “He was a calm kid. Although I didn’t like his decision, I understood why my son likes to defend Angola.”

“A few years ago, I sent him to Luanda to study electricity, but he dropped to study political science. Gildo likes to chat on Facebook with his activist friends. He also likes reading books, especially by Pepetela,” said Victor Gonga, Gildo’s brother.

Q: Is this the first time Gildo has been arrested for his activism? What does the family think about his choices?

Gildo’s father said, “No, this is not the first time. He had already been imprisoned in Malange province. He wants the best for Angola.”

Q: What happened on the morning of 16 September 2023?

Marcelina said, “That Saturday, Gildo was supposed to travel back to Malange. At the end of the afternoon, I started to see on social media that he had been arrested, but I didn’t believe it. When I called him, the guard said that he was in fact arrested.”

Q: What has it been like visiting Gildo in jail?

Marcelina said, “The first time I went to visit my partner, I cried a lot. It was hard to believe he was there. Once, I asked him if he would continue his activism after leaving prison, he said yes. I know his dream is to defend Angola so I will continue supporting him.”

“Gildo is really cool with me. There are days when I’m on the phone, looking at photos and I start crying because I miss my brother so much,” says Victor.

“The activists are only defending the people, but it seems that the government does not want their best interests,” Gildo’s father mentioned, pleading for his son’s release.

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