Urgent Probe Needed: 2 FNDC Activists in Guinea Disappeared on July 9th!

Guinea: Urgent investigation needed into enforced disappearance of two FNDC activists missing since 9 July

What is Happening?

The Guinean authorities must immediately conduct an impartial, independent, and transparent investigation into the enforced disappearance of civil society activists Oumar Sylla and Mamadou Billo Bah, who have been missing for more than seven weeks.

On the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances, Amnesty International and 17 Guinean human rights organizations raised concerns about the fate and whereabouts of the two activists.

  • The activists were arrested on 9 July by security forces.
  • Mohammed Cissé, a fellow activist, reported being released the day after the arrests and witnessing their abduction and torture.

Why is it Important?

The uncertainty about the activists’ fate causes unbearable distress to their relatives and the community. The Guinean authorities need to provide answers and ensure justice.

  • An investigation must uncover the circumstances of the disappearances.
  • The investigation findings should be made public.
  • All those responsible for the disappearances and torture must face fair trials.

What is the Background?

Oumar Sylla, also known as Foniké Menguè, and Mamadou Billo Bah, have faced arbitrary detention multiple times in recent years for exercising their rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly

The FNDC, a civil society movement, advocates for a return to civilian rule and criticizes the transitional military authorities.

The continued crackdown on peaceful dissent by Guinean authorities raises concerns about human rights violations.

  • The Guinean authorities have intensified their repression of dissent through the suspension of media outlets and the brutal suppression of demonstrations.
  • At least 47 people were killed during protests between September 2021 and April 2024.

Who are the Signatories?

Several Guinean human rights organizations, including Amnesty International and 17 others, have called for urgent action to investigate the activists’ disappearance.

Source: www.amnesty.org

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