Reallocating Resources to Secure South Sudan’s Future

South Sudan’s Ongoing Challenges

South Sudan has faced relentless conflict over the years, impacting livelihoods and displacing many citizens. Let’s explore the key challenges facing the nation.

Debt Burden and Development

  • Total debt burden: 51.2% of GDP
  • High risk of debt distress due to oil revenue volatility
  • Debt repayment: 13% of 2023/2024 budget

Corruption and Development Index

  • Corruption Perception Index rank: 177 out of 180
  • Human Development Index rank: 191 out of 193

Illicit Financial Flows

  • Losses due to IFFs: USD 8.6 billion
  • Protests against IFFs in Nairobi

Education Crisis

  • 70% of children out of school
  • Challenges in teacher training and resources

The Road to Sustainable Development

Addressing corruption, debt distress, and educational challenges is crucial for South Sudan’s future. Collaboration, reforms, and strategic investments are key to building a prosperous and stable nation.


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