Desperate Search: Mexican Women on a Mission to Find Missing Family Members

The Unseen Struggle: Mexican Women Searching for Their Missing Loved Ones

How many people have disappeared in Mexico?

  • Over 116,000 individuals remain unaccounted for in Mexico alone

Who are the “Hasta Encontrarte” collective?

  • Comprised of 200 families in Mexico dedicated to searching for their disappeared loved ones
  • Established in Guanajauato in 2021, with 99% of its members being women

What actions does “Hasta Encontrarte” take?

  • Conducts independent search brigades resulting in the discovery of 23 clandestine graves and 203 missing persons
  • Engages in advocacy with national and international organizations

The Stories of Resilience: Veronica, Karla, and Bibiana

Who is Karla Martinez searching for?

  • Her brother, Juan Valentín Martínez Jiménez, missing since February 2020

How has Bibiana Mendoza continued her search?

  • Despite threats and stigmatization, she remains resilient in finding her brother, Manuel Ojeda Negrete

What drives Veronica Duran despite challenges?

  • Despite detentions, job loss, and health issues, she persists in finding her missing son, Iván Arturo Silva Durán

What campaign supports these women

  • Amnesty International’s #SearchWithoutFear campaign provides solidarity and action for justice

Take Action!

How can you get involved?

  • Sign the petition to support these brave women in their search for justice

The experiences of Karla, Bibiana, and Veronica shed light on the immense challenges faced by families of missing individuals in Mexico. Despite threats, stigmatization, and personal sacrifices, these women continue their search with unwavering determination. Amnesty International’s #SearchWithoutFear campaign stands in solidarity with them, advocating for justice and protection for those searching for their loved ones.


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