Another Blow to Press Freedom: Stand News Journalists Convicted in Hong Kong

Responding to the “sedition” conviction of the defunct Hong Kong media outlet Stand News and two of its former editors, Amnesty International’s China Director Sarah Brooks said:

What does this mean for press freedom?

  • This dismaying verdict is another blow to press freedom in Hong Kong
  • Stand News and its editors were targeted for their legitimate journalistic work
  • First trial for sedition and national-security conviction of a media company since 1997

Implications for journalists in Hong Kong

  • The verdict will force journalists to be cautious about their writing
  • Court’s judgment labeled 11 articles on Stand News website as ‘seditious’

Call to action

  • Hong Kong authorities urged to end use of archaic sedition laws
  • Convicted journalists committed no internationally recognized crime


  • Sentencing scheduled for September 26, 2024 with maximum sentence of two years
  • Prosecution based on 17 allegedly seditious articles
  • Stand News ceased operation after newsroom was raided in December 2021

The conviction of Stand News journalists is another blow to press freedom in Hong Kong, highlighting the ongoing challenges faced by journalists in the region. It is essential to continue advocating for the protection of journalistic freedom worldwide.


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